Action Learning
Also known as "Group Coaching" or "Peer Consultation," Action Learning really works - and it's very cost-effective too.
It follows a set format: a group of five or six people come together regularly, as an "Action Learning Set". On each meeting day, each person takes a turn to "bring an issue" to the group. The group then focuses, in turn, on helping them action-plan a resolution to that issue. A five-step process is followed for each issue. A facilitator manages the time and the process - using techniques to assist if the group gets "stuck".
For Action Learning to work well, some preconditions must be in place:
a high degree of trust and confidentiality within the group
the issues to resolve must be work-related issues, things which
are "in the too-difficult pile" - not easily resolvable;
are within the person's power to resolve
will make a big difference once resolved... not trivial.
the participants must be committed to the process: we recommend three diary dates are booked, each two months apart, at the beginning of the set.
Along the way,
each participant learns coaching skills,
each participant learns management skills - problem resolution, practical performance management, and more
the organisation benefits from having it's difficult issues addressed, and
an effective, useful, supportive peer network is created.
It's nothing short of brilliant.