Dyslexia Links and Resources
There's no need to re-invent the wheel. Please feel free to download and use our resources (with acknowledgement).
This is also "information central" for links to reasonable adjustments, useful products and so much more.
If you have a link to suggest, or you find a link that doesn't work - please email to let us know!
Dyslexia shopping
* NEW * Fantastic guide from the CIPD.
Dyslexia policy example, from Hampshire Fire and Rescue.
Dyslexia checklist - for individuals to use to see if they might be dyslexic.
Published case study: Hampshire Police and the dyslexia discrimination case they lost - and their forward-thinking response - Page 1 and Page 2.
For dyslexia from a dyslexic's point of view, try Dyslexia-Aware.
The Trades Union Congress has published a useful guide.
There are lots of posters, quotes and other useful information on my Pinterest Board, Honest Psychology, Facebook page, ("Like" us for updates) and on Flipboard. These sources are being updated all the time.
These are linked to Amazon for ease - but do check your local library or other retailers!
The Gift of Dyslexia explains dyslexia and has practical exercises.
The Dyslexic Advantage explains the four key talents dyslexics have.
The Dyslexic Adult is more academic, good if you need more detail.
Max Your Memory is full of memory-building techniques.
Mind Maps for Kids is an easy introduction to mindmapping, a more adult version is How to Mind Map or you may want to try Mind Maps for Business.
And a short video to help build understanding of autism:
The British Dyslexia Association has an online shop.
The company, iansyst, sells a wide range of software and other assistive technologies, including
Dragon speech-to-text software,
Claro and ReadWriteGold, text-to-speech software
A new innovation, Captura: "take a picture of the text with your phone, and Captura will read it to you."
Mindmapping software
Coloured overlays.
Another good supplier is Hands-Free Computing, while Barry Bennett specialises in products and assistance for students. Try the Scanning Pen shop for specialist digital pens that will turn your meeting notes into typed text.
* NEW * For support for children, try Blooming Genius.
Other resources
Clear language will help to communicate with both dyslexics and non-dyslexics. Use this free SMOG index to help you assess how clear your writing is!
Learn to touch type for free with the BBC.
Skills Rocket is a free website, developed by psychologists, offering elearning, tutorials, tips and much more for dyslexics, people with dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD and other neurodifferences. Registration required.
Brindle Consulting offer specialist advice on dyslexia in incident command roles.
There's a ten-minute TED talk on working memory - including tips on using it better. My favourite? Using images - this works for both dyslexics and non-dyslexics!
The Dyscovery Centre in Newport has useful links, particularly for dyspraxia.
Here's my radio interview on dyslexia (October 2014).